Monday, October 20, 2008

Problem 2 - Panel 1

pri·mal /ˈpraɪməl/ [prahy-muhl] –adjective
first; original; primeval: primal eras before the appearance of life on earth.
of first importance; fundamental: the primal resources of a nation.

Primal"was my word for our second problem, the goal of which was to create a cumulative series of abstract designs employing the following elements: dominance, cumulative, accent shaping, decoration, pattern and texture. I chose the color scheme on a triad from the 12 hue system based on the colors orange, bluegreen, and purple to represent earthy, natural but still colorful tones. I thought of primal as both early cultural lifestyles and primal elements, and aimed to create, colorful and bold, yet flowing and soft compositions.

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